Semichas Chaver (SCP) is an organization led by Rabbi Elyada Goldwicht that provides a curriculum to teach in-depth halacha classes. The program is currently in over 150 locations with over 3,000 weekly talmidim. The classes are a text based study of the background and underlying principles of the halacha. The curriculum starts with the Gemara and Shulchan Aruch and follows the chain of the halacha to the contemporary Poskim.
Semichas Chaver – Chabad (SCP-Chabad) is a branch of Semichas Chaver directed by Rabbi Betzalel Bassman and Rabbi Avrohom Jacks. SCP-Chabad is working in conjunction with numerous Lubavitcher Rabbonim to adapt the curriculum to follow the opinions of the Alter Rebbe, Tzemach Tzedek and Chabad Poskim.
The curriculum is approximately an 10 year program divided into 6 month courses. Each 6 month course is an independent study. After each 6 month course the students review the material and take a test. Those that pass the test receive a prestigious Semichas Chaver plaque signed by leading Rabbonim in the world and Chabad. SCP-Chabad is endorsed by HaRav Gedaliya Oberlander shlit”a and HaRav Levi Yitzchok Raskin shlit”a.
Frequently Asked Questions
What topics are going to be covered in the next curriculum?
In the coming Zman, we will be learning Hilchos Seuda
What are some examples of the topics covered over the 10 year curriculum?
Bishul Akum
Pas Akum
Tevilas Keilim
Ha’galas Keilim
Basar V’cholov
Is there a cost to participate?
Each semester, approx. 6 months, cost $1000 per location. The first semester is 50% off!
There is no cost for Talmidim, all that is required is a desire to grow in Torah and Yiras Shomayim.
I already have semicha, is there anything for me to gain from Semichas Chaver?
In the current 50 SCP-Chabad locations there are over 1400 weekly participants and most have Semicha. The majority of the topics covered are not studied in many Semicha programs and even topics that are covered like Shabbos have a much stronger focus on practical applications of the 21st century than most students had in traditional Semicha programs.The feedback we got was that the material is equally intriguing to those with semicha, a yeshiva background or even those with no yeshiva background. In some of the classes more than half of the participants have Semicha in Yoreh Deah and Shabbos and they felt that the learning was refreshing and challenging.
How often is the shiur?
It is a weekly shiur. In each 6 month zman there are about 17 shiurim. There are a few weeks left for off weeks and a couple weeks for review before the test and siyum.